Anonymous Whistleblower Reporting

Farm Credit Illinois is committed to the highest standards of ethics, integrity and legal compliance in everything we do. To help ensure Farm Credit Illinois continues to operate at the highest standards, we have established a reporting hotline through Lighthouse Services, Inc. This tool gives employees, borrowers, customers, business associates and vendors the opportunity to report fraud, unlawful, or unethical behavior (including accounting, internal control or audit related matters) — confidentially and anonymously.

Those who are aware of potential fraud, unlawful, or unethical behavior relating to Farm Credit Illinois are encouraged to report their concerns. Indeed, it is the responsibility of all board members, officers and employees to report activities that may violate laws, regulations, policies, or ethical guidelines.

This hotline is not a substitute for routine communications regarding complaints or suggestions for improvement that do not involve a potential violation of laws, regulations, policies, or ethical guidelines. Communications regarding regular business matters that do not require anonymity should be directed to the appropriate officer or employee of Farm Credit Illinois and should not be made through this service.

Confidential and anonymous reports may be submitted to Lighthouse by phone, fax, email or its secure website as follows:

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