Teamwork Key to Farm Success
February 18, 2021
Evan Marr is a team player when it comes to the family farm. After college and working off the farm, he returned to the family operation in 2014.
“It was a risk, but at the same time I’ve always been passionate about farming,” Evan says. “When it’s in your blood, it’s in your blood. Coming back to farm, especially with my dad and family, was the right choice for me.”
Evan helps with data management and technology on the farm, which is located in Morgan County. At 26 years old, he owns a trucking business with his father, Marty, and has started his own venture, Elite Ag Sales. His uncle, David, and brother, Martin, Jr., are also active in the family operation. Evan has worked to better manage data to help with decision making and planning.
“As a young farmer, I am willing to take risks and try new things to push the limits to see how far new practices can go,” he says. “With each risk, you also have to know where to set boundaries.”
Soil health and sustainability are important to Evan, which is why he promotes management practices like strip till and planting cover crops to improve conservation on corn and soybean acres. He believes keeping up with technology is also key for both crop and livestock ventures.
“Be willing to jump in and take risk. Get your feet wet and try to educate yourself as much as you can,” says Evan. “Farming moves at a faster pace than it did when my dad was getting started. Because of that, I think young farmers are often able to adapt a bit quicker.”
Evan believes in taking advantage of educational opportunities like the Farm Credit Illinois FreshRoots program while giving back to his community through involvement in Farm Bureau Young Leaders and his local FFA alumni group. He recognizes the value in being part of a team like the one he finds on his family farm. He knows his team also includes the people who provide Farm Credit programs and services.
“Farm Credit takes risks on young farmers like me,” he says. “I’ve been fortunate to have a good relationship with Farm Credit. They’ve had my back when opportunities presented themselves. I’ve been able to make goals possible because of their support.”
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