Private Products
Price Flex
Allows producers to select one or more monthly discovery periods to lock in potential higher projected price when compared to the February average.
Added Price Option (APO)
Allows producers to add additional price coverage to the projected price. A claim is triggered if the MP policy has a yield only loss.
Multiple Price Discovery (MPD)
Allows producers to select monthly discovery periods to lock in potential higher projected price when compared to the February average.
Private Area Revenue (PAR)
Allows producers to purchase coverage for area-level revenue risk that supplements the individual level coverage they receive from an individual MPCI policy. PAR offers a guarantee based on the expected area yield and the projected price.
Revenue Price Option (RPO)
Allows producers to increase the Revenue Protection (RP) projected price with additional price coverage per bushel for corn and soybeans.
Enterprise Plus
A supplemental policy offered by Farm Credit that can be added to an Enterprise Unit Multi-Peril Policy.
Revenue Net
Allows producer to select one or more two week discovery periods ahead of the February average to lock in potential higher projected price.