Tsamma Juice

Keenes, IL 62851

Click here to access the Tsamma Juice store locator and email info@tsammajuice.com to submit a request for a local retailer near you. Frey Farms also has fresh, better-for-you beverages available at Subway restaurants in the fresh dispensed machines near fountain soda – a Watermelon Cucumber Agua Fresca & Blackberry Citrus Agua Fresca.
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Tsamma Juice
Each bottle of Tsamma (sah-mah) is made with over 1-1/2 pounds of Frey Farms watermelon. Frey’s ability to control the entire process from seed-to-bottle is what truly sets them apart. The watermelons are hand-cut and cold pressed shortly after harvest to ensure a high quality and delicious juice that is minimally processed to preserve nutrients. The name Tsamma was chosen by Founding Farmer, Sarah Frey, to pay homage to the ancient Tsamma melon, “the mother of all melons”. The three Tsamma skus (Watermelon, Watermelon Coconut Water 50/50 blend and Watermelon Blueberry) are 100% juice with simple ingredients, no added sugar and nothing artificial. Tsamma is the only seed-to-bottle, natural hydration drink with significant daily electrolytes and nutrients.
Fresh, cold-pressed watermelon juice and watermelon + coconut water blend
You can purchase Tsamma Juice through grocery retailers nationwide including Publix, HEB, Krogers and more. Tsamma is currently in testing at many quick service restaurants like Subway & Chipotle with rollout coming next year.